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Allete, Minnesota Power employees volunteering at Boys and Girls Clubs today

Howie /

The Boys & Girls Clubs in Duluth are getting into the holiday spirit with the help of employees from Allete and Minnesota Power.

Today two teams of volunteers employees are transferring both Duluth branches into a magical holiday experience for the kids.

Kids will be surprised to see the holiday decorations after school today, and they will be invited stay to play a few games and receive free snacks and cocoa served by Allete and Minnesota Power volunteers. 



Leaders from St. Louis County, the City of Rice Lake and others are all smiles as they celebrate the news that the county has received nearly $35 million in federal and state funds for the Rice Lake Road Corridor Project. Shown L-R are: Commissioner Keith Musolf, Rice Lake Mayor Suzanne Herstad, APEX CEO Rachel Johnson, Duluth Airport Authority Executive Director Tom Werner and St. Louis County Public Works Director Jim Foldesi. Submitted