City of Duluth previews rollout of new permitting and licensing system
By Kelli Latuska
The City of Duluth will be unveiling its new enterprise permitting and licensing system in mid-May of 2024.
The city’s newly-branded ePlace will be the portal allowing the public to submit building and zoning applications, rental license applications, pet licensing applications, residential parking permits, as well as many other licensing and permit applications.
The new ePlace system will help to automate and streamline the permit review processes, reducing the time it takes to review and process city applications and making the end-user experience easier and faster.
More detailed information on the system will be shared as it is available.
The city’s current permitting system is eTRAKiT, which has been in use since 2011. eTRAKiT will be phased out in the process of implementing ePlace.