As I was watching the final outs of the Minnesota Twins’ season, I was reminded that there are a lot of seasons ending/changing/starting. The smaller amount of daylight each day reminds us what season is coming up sooner than we’d like it to, but that’s why we live here, I guess.
Many high school sports are either in playoffs or getting close to starting playoffs. Whether a team is 5 wins and 1 loss or 1 win and 5 losses the goal is still the same, work together as a team. So much to be said about teamwork and how it benefits all of us as we learn to be a better person, even at my advanced age. Whether it’s high school sports, local theatrical performances (I had a theatre minor in college), choral performances, band, orchestra, etc. it’s all about working together as a team.
October, if you’re a sports junkie, is a great month. There is baseball, football, volleyball, hockey, basketball, soccer, golf, cross country, to name a few. Some are gearing up while others are winding down. This week there are plenty of opportunities to take in some of these events so if you get a chance, support your local colleges and high schools. In addition, there are local theatrical productions coming up for you to enjoy.
Lots of opportunities around this weekend and you don’t want to say later that I wish I would have gone. I know I’m going to enjoy the Denfeld/Rock Ridge game on Friday and the UMD game on Saturday.