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DECC Executive Director Dan Hartman on the new The Arena League indoor football team scheduled to begin play next June at Duluth Arena: "We're extremely excited for the start of the indoor football games, which will have a strong regional economic impact during the summer. Selfishly, I'm excited that games will be played at our DECC Arena.


We're located immediately adjacent to Harbor Drive, and so we might consider activating Harbor Drive for tailgating events. Duluthians and visitors alike really do enjoy these types of new, fun experiences, and this really gives us an excuse to do it."



Leaders from St. Louis County, the City of Rice Lake and others are all smiles as they celebrate the news that the county has received nearly $35 million in federal and state funds for the Rice Lake Road Corridor Project. Shown L-R are: Commissioner Keith Musolf, Rice Lake Mayor Suzanne Herstad, APEX CEO Rachel Johnson, Duluth Airport Authority Executive Director Tom Werner and St. Louis County Public Works Director Jim Foldesi. Submitted