Howie Hanson: Minn Starks 17U National Coach CJ Osuchukwu

Minn Starks 17U National Coach CJ Osuchukwu on his team’s performance at the The Players’ Platform at Hyvee Arena in Kansas City, MO, over the weekend: “We played solid. I love our heart and effort. It was a reality check for some of our kids that have never played at that level or in front of college coaches before. Ty Nyberg, a 9th-grader from Duluth East, played up on our 17U team this weekend and showed that he could be a scholarship level point guard. Brooks Johnson made a name for himself in picking up some more D1 interest. Aidan Altona from Denfeld played really well the last game of the tournament and picked up some college interest. This weekend (in Minneapolis) we will finally have our whole team so I’m excited for that.”

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Jamie Larson