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St. Luke's Advice: BEFAST

Together, let's make a difference by raising awareness and ensuring prompt action in case of a stroke emergency.

Quick! You think someone is having a stroke. What do you do? Not only are strokes the 5th leading cause of death in the US, but treatments for strokes are also time dependent. Meaning – you need to think fast for a better outcome. It’s time to BEFAST!

Any ONE of these signs could mean a stroke, and you should call 911 right away.

B - Balance: Watch out for sudden loss of balance or coordination. It can be a significant indicator of a stroke.

E - Eyes: Keep an eye out for sudden vision changes, such as blurred or double vision. It's an important sign that shouldn't be ignored.

F - Face: Look for drooping or an uneven smile.

A - Arms: Check if one arm drifts downward when both are raised.

S - Speech: Listen for slurred or garbled speech.

T - Time: Time is critical! If you notice any of these signs, call 911 right away.

Together, let's make a difference by raising awareness and ensuring prompt action in case of a stroke emergency. – St Luke's Facebook post



Leaders from St. Louis County, the City of Rice Lake and others are all smiles as they celebrate the news that the county has received nearly $35 million in federal and state funds for the Rice Lake Road Corridor Project. Shown L-R are: Commissioner Keith Musolf, Rice Lake Mayor Suzanne Herstad, APEX CEO Rachel Johnson, Duluth Airport Authority Executive Director Tom Werner and St. Louis County Public Works Director Jim Foldesi. Submitted