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Duluth photographers declare 'We Want Winter Back!'

Matthew Moses. Destination Duluth

A group of contributing photographers for Destination Duluth's Facebook and Instagram pages has banded together to declare to the world that “We want winter back!” by posting photos from when we had real winters.


“We've missed the beauty of our normal winters,” said Jerry Thoreson, the managing director of Destination Duluth. “So, the contributing photographers for Destination Duluth are posting magnificent photos from previous years with the hashtag #whenwinterwas . Over 150 Duluth photographers contribute to the Destination Duluth Facebook and Instagram pages. They love capturing the beauty of the cold, snowy winter months in Duluth and on the North Shore. They literally thrill with the chill of 20 below with the magical sea smoke on Lake Superior."

The #whenwinterwas photos on Destination Duluth's Facebook and Instagram pages have nearly a million views. See them on Facebook or Instagram @Destination_Duluth

Dawn Parendo. Destination Duluth



Leaders from St. Louis County, the City of Rice Lake and others are all smiles as they celebrate the news that the county has received nearly $35 million in federal and state funds for the Rice Lake Road Corridor Project. Shown L-R are: Commissioner Keith Musolf, Rice Lake Mayor Suzanne Herstad, APEX CEO Rachel Johnson, Duluth Airport Authority Executive Director Tom Werner and St. Louis County Public Works Director Jim Foldesi. Submitted