Publish It! Another Roger Reinert Facebook post


Another timely Facebook post today by mayoral candidate Roger Reinert: "Duluth! We are 51 days until the General Election, and the start of early voting is FRIDAY! We are SOOO close! I hope you are as excited as I am! This week I want to talk about endorsements. We've done a lot of things differently in this campaign, and a big decision we made early was to not seek a long list of endorsements. I've chosen to not seek political party endorsements and you've seen me focus on the unions that represent our City Hall employees. I am grateful to have the support of Duluth Fire and Duluth Police, and respect AFSCME Council 5 for putting no endorsement of either candidate.

Another intentional decision was to not seek individual endorsements – especially other elected officials. No matter who is asked to serve in November, we all need to work together.

Duluth, you are smart voters. You are engaged, you pay attention, and you talk to each other. You don’t need others telling you how you should vote. I’m absolutely confident in your ability to figure that out for yourselves.

P.S. Remember the easiest way to get one of your own is to email us at That is also a great way to let us know if you need a replacement, or if you want to upgrade from a small to a jumbo!"

Watch Reinert's video message