03 | Walk For Animals
16 | Whipper Snapper Races
16 | William A. Irvin 5K
16-17 | Grandma’s Marathon | Rock The Bayfront
23 | Twin Ports Entertainment presents Jon Pardi
24 | First Avenue Productions presents Hippo Campus
30 | Twin Ports Entertainment Present – Flo Rida with Twista

03 | DECC presents Hairball
04 | Duluth Fourth Fest
08 | Trampled by Turtles with Jenny Lewis
15 | Bayfront Reggae & World Music Festival
22 | Festival by the Lake
29 | All Pints North Summer Brewfest
02 | AEG Presents Bon Iver
03-05 | City on the Hill Music Festival
11-13 | Bayfront Blues Festival
17 | Kids, Cops & Cars
19-20 | Art In Bayfront Park
25-26 | The Tribute Fest

02 | Duluth Superior Pride Festival
04 | Duluth AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic
09 | Lake Superior Harvest Festival
15-17| Duluth Oktoberfestival

18-30 | Bentleyville Tour of Lights
1-26 | Bentleyville Tour of Lights

Urshan Retirement Group, Inc. strives in helping people achieve retirement goals. This is accomplished through education of the financial planning process, analyzing each individual's investment needs, as well as continuously reviewing and monitoring their personalized plan. Jordan Urshan (pictured) and Dan Urshan work as partners to ensure long-term consistency to your investment portfolio. They look forward to earning your business. Please give them a call to schedule your appointment. Call 218.625.7575 or stop by their office located at 5033 Miller Trunk Hwy, Hermantown, MN 55811.
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Urshan Retirement Group and Securities America are separate entities.