Public comment period for the draft Hillside Sport Court Park Plan

By Kelli Latuska

The public is invited to review and comment on the draft Hillside Sport Court Park Plan. The public comment period will close on Thursday, June 29, 2023.

The draft Hillside Sport Court Park Plan and a comment form is available at A printed copy of the plan is available for review at the Parks and Recreation office on the ground floor of City Hall during regular office hours (Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm).

The purpose of the Plan is to identify preferred park amenities and to prioritize park improvements that will best serve community needs.

After the public comment period closes, Parks and Recreation will review the comments received, incorporate changes where appropriate, and prepare the final Hillside Sport Court Park Plan for consideration at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on August 9, 2023 before bringing it to Duluth City Council for final approval.