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Reinert kicks off summer Ice Cream Social series today

The Ice Cream Socials are intended as an opportunity for Duluthians to stop by, say hello, and chat about their hopes and concerns without having to try and schedule a meeting. There will be a total of three prior to the Primary on August 8th.

Duluth Times

Mayoral candidate Roger Reinert will host his first in a series of three “Ice Cream Socials” today. The location will be the Fitgers Courtyard with Crank & Dasher. All are welcome.

Reinert held a series of six “Coffee & Conversations” last spring. “These went really well,” he said. “We routinely had 20-30 people attend to talk about issues, solutions, hopes, and challenges.”

He went on to say that, “We’ve now had well over 1,000 1-1 and small group conversations since launching our campaign on January 12. I’ve spoken with a super diverse group of people on a wide variety of issues. It has been great to see diverse groups of Duluthians sitting together and discussing Duluth’s next chapter.”

The Ice Cream Socials are intended as an opportunity for Duluthians to stop by, say hello, and chat about their hopes and concerns without having to try and schedule a meeting. There will be a total of three prior to the Primary on August 8th.

“I realize this is not a traditional method for campaigning, but it is very much my style," said Reinert. "I want to create a space for community conversations; where Duluthians can feel heard. I’m also a civics teacher at heart, and value creating opportunities where we can all meet and talk with others whom we might not already agree with. That doesn’t happen enough anymore.”

In total there will be three Ice Cream Socials in the coming weeks. They are intentionally spread throughout the community geographically, and on different days, to accommodate various work and parenting schedules.

Roger noted Duluthians are still welcome to set up 1-1 meetings using the “Invite Roger” tab on the campaign website ( or emailing him at

The entire Ice Cream Social schedule is:

. Today from 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Crank & Dasher in the Fitgers Courtyard (600 E Superior St)

. July 12 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM at Chilly Billys (1010 Woodland Ave)

. July 27 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM at Dairy Queen West (4431 Grand Ave)

Note: The Duluth Times enewsletter and .com publishes, at no charge, official 2023 Duluth city and school board candidate campaign press releases as a public service for it readers. Candidates should email their campaign press releases, here.

Joran Urshan

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