Duluth mayoral candidate Roger Reinert released the fourth in a series of five issue-focused videos today.
In prior weeks Reinert addressed housing across all income levels, the importance of developing Duluth’s commercial tax base, and the condition of Duluth’s streets. This week he turned to Downtown Duluth.

“Downtown Duluth is our community's heart, and we must address current challenges," Reinert said. "We need it to be a place that truly thrives; a vibrant place to live, work, and play. However, Downtown Duluth is facing concerns from many about attractiveness, safety, cleanliness.”

Reinert offered a multifaceted approach to address mental health and addiction issues. A statewide investment in mental health facilities and beds is crucial, and locally we need a supportive housing option similar to the San Marco, he said. “The San Marco has proven incredibly effective for those struggling with alcoholism,” said Reinert. “Additionally, in the short term we need to enforce community norms, support our law enforcement, and ensure those in need are given better options than jail or the ER.”
Reinert said the focus has to include both short and long-term solutions.
“We must also focus on Downtown housing,” added Reinert. “A major piece of solving our current housing shortage in the mid-market is rental and for-purchase downtown. That means making it easier to combine retail, commercial, and residential in the same structure.”

Reinert added that a downtown residential population would also mean more eyes on problem behaviors.
“Our campaign has consistently talked about these ‘Big Five’ issues," he said. "They are the direct result of the 1,000+ conversations we’ve had with Duluthians since our campaign launched last January. Over and over Duluthians have said we are concerned about housing, commercial tax base development, streets, affordable property taxes, and downtown Duluth.”

Over the next several weeks Reinert will continue to speak in-depth about each of the Five Big Issues, answering these questions: Why is this an issue in Duluth? Why should Duluthians care? What tangible steps can the next Mayor and Administration take to move these issues forward?
Reinert’s full comments can be found online at:
Source: Reinert press release. Duluth Times publishes select candidate press releases as a free public service to readers.

St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center earns reaccreditation

St. Luke’s Regional Cancer Center has achieved reaccreditation from the Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons. The accreditation is good for three years. To earn the voluntary CoC accreditation, a cancer program must meet 34 quality care standards, be evaluated every three years through a survey process and maintain levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care.
“Our team is incredible, and this reaccreditation is one example of that,” St. Luke’s Oncology Operations Leader Hillary Nelson said. “The cancer journey isn’t an easy one for patients to navigate but giving them the highest quality of care is one thing we can do to improve the journey for them.”

When patients receive care at a COC accredited facility, it means they have access to information on clinical trials, new treatments, genetic counseling and patient centered services. Services include psycho-social support, a patient navigation process. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 1.7 million cases of cancer will be diagnosed each year.
WLSSD in the News
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District board of directors held a public hearing regarding a new Northeast MN Regional Solid Waste Management Plan before its monthly meeting Monday afternoon. Later, the District's nine-member citizen board voted 8-0, with one abstention, to approve the new management plan, which the MPCA requires every 10 years. The MPCA previously approved the plan June 6.

“This Plan serves as an important road map for developing and implementing collaborative waste reduction and resource recovery efforts in order to preserve natural resources and extend the finite landfill capacity in the northeast region over the next 10 years,” said Brandon Kohlts, WLSSD's Manager of Planning and Technical Services.

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