A Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert post on Facebook regarding snow emergencies: "It's May, and summer is just around the corner, but we are ALREADY talking about snow emergencies! Core city services in Duluth is about a lot of things, including snow removal. In the middle of the storm two months ago I shared with you why we WEREN’T calling a snow emergency - even though a few years ago the City spent $400,000 on 2,300 signs alone. That doesn't include staff time to put the signs up, or the mailers we've received the last two falls.

But in the heart of that March storm every level of our operation said - don't do it. Not helpful. And, I listened. But that reality didn't sit well with me. So, we are already working the problem so we’re ready for next year! I will tell you right now, it is all about cars, and moving cars. When we get cars off the streets, our plow drivers can do their jobs more effectively and efficiently, and we get cleaner streets faster- which is what we all want.

One of the things I want us to be thinking about already is that starting this fall, we are REALLY going to be enforcing the Sunday turnover. Between 4-8 p.m. on Sundays. We must all get back into that habit so cars are on the correct side of the street. I saw firsthand in my snowplow ride-along that cars on both sides of the street did us in. Stay tuned for more updates! It has been great working with staff who are eager to do a better job with snow removal. Come next winter we'll have a snow emergency that makes sense, helps us partner with the plow drivers, and works."

City of Duluth to host public meeting on Skyline Parkway Corridor
The City of Duluth will host a two-hour public meeting on Skyline Parkway Corridor public safety improvements on Monday, May 20, at 5:30 p.m. at Lincoln Park Middle School, 3215 W Third Street.
At this public meeting, City of Duluth staff will discuss the immediate response to recent incidents along Skyline Parkway. They will also present details on a number of proposed options for a short-term trial reconfiguring Skyline Parkway along the overlook section around Enger Park and adding signage and striping.
If you cannot attend the meeting but want more information about the project, please visit https://duluthmn.gov/engineering/.

Lincoln Park Farmers Market kickoff party today
As the summer farmers market season nears, the Lincoln Park Farmers Market will host a growing season kickoff event from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at Harrison Park.
Over 20 local vendors will offer a wide variety of products, including garden seedlings, produce, meat, baked goods, canned goods, gluten-free and vegan items, soap, crafts, and more.
Other activities at the market will include live music, free food, a seed swap event, and a lead-testing clinic for youth and pregnant people.

The market offers $25 in matching market bucks for SNAP participants who swipe their EBT cards for $15 at the market. The Power of Produce (PoP) Program will also offer $4 in tokens to kids 18 and under and elders 60 and over to spend on produce. The regular season farmers market begins June 13 and will continue every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Harrison Park. The market will not be held on July 4.
The event is coordinated by Community Action Duluth’s Seeds of Success program.