John S. Werner Memorial 5K Run-Walk set for May 11
The St. Louis County Historical Society and its Veterans Memorial Hall are holding a 5k to honor the memory of Command Sergeant Major John S. Werner on Saturday, May 11, 2024.
Start time is 9 a.m. with a short ceremony prior at The Other Place Bar & Grill, 3930 East Calvary Rd, Duluth, MN 55803. The entry fee is $30. Runners may register here.
CSM John S. Werner, beloved Mayor of the City of Rice Lake, Boy Scout troopmaster, mechanic, and veteran of over 40 years passed away March 25, 2023. CSM John S. Werner was a moral and upright man who loved his family, community, and nation, and served faithfully to all. He was a man who exemplified what it means to be a public servant, leader, and patriot.
Proceeds will benefit the programs of the SLCHS’s Veterans Memorial Hall, which he cared so deeply about, including the Society’s Annual Remembrance Dinner, the Mike Colalillo Scholarship, VMH’s “History in a Pint” programs, and improvements to Medal of Honor Row at the St. Louis County Depot. For further information contact Ron Hein at
About St. Louis County Historical Society
Since its inception in 1922, the St. Louis County Historical Society has sought to discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge about the history and pre-history of St. Louis County and the state of Minnesota. The Society maintains and operates a museum, the Veterans Memorial Hall and the Ojibwe Gallery, as well as a variety of traveling exhibits.
About Veterans Memorial Hall
Veterans Memorial Hall, or VMH, is a program of the Saint Louis County Historical Society. It is located at the Saint Louis County Heritage and Arts Center (DEPOT). To learn about the VMH, visit and