On the Record: Duluth mayor-elect Roger Reinert's campaign promises

From the Roger for Duluth campaign website – "We are revisiting the 5 Big Issues over the last few weeks leading up to the election, and this week we discussed STREETS!!! 

We're all talking about the condition of our streets last winter. Last spring. This summer. And let's be honest - still this fall. Plowing season is also just right around the corner, and last winter was a struggle

If nothing changes, nothing changes. So, let's consider tangible and practical steps the next Mayor and Administration can take to improve our failing streets:

  1. Examine and rate every street mile in Duluth. Categorize streets as green, yellow, or red so we can create an easy-to-understand repair map for residents.
  2. Ask ourselves if every street mile needs to exist. Are there connectors and access points no longer serving a purpose? Any reduction in existing inventory means we can better maintain the rest..
  3. Add permanent staff to public works! We have fewer street maintenance staff now than in the 1990s. It's crucial we have enough staff to not only build new streets but also MAINTAIN them and extend the usable life.
  4. Bonding against the half-cent dedicated sales tax. That's following St Louis County's proven model, and helps us overcome the hill of diminishing returns.
  5. Put to work cash we currently have on the city budget sidelines. CTF, ARA, and the GF cash reserve. All can be applied to streets and utilities.

Watch the video to learn more and join me in the fight for BETTER STREETS!"

Issue #3: STREETS!!!

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